* Ashish Patel
* e: ashishsushilPatel@gmail.com
* w: https://ashish.me
* A linked list is given such that each node contains an additional random
* pointer which could point to any node in the list or null.
* Return a deep copy of the list.
* The Linked List is represented in the input/output as a list of n nodes.
* Each node is represented as a pair of [val, random_index] where:
* val: an integer representing Node.val
* random_index: the index of the node (range from 0 to n-1) where random
* pointer points to, or null if it does not point to any node.
function Node(val, next, random) {
this.val = val
this.next = next
this.random = random
function copyListWithRandomPointer(head) {
const map = new Map()
const copied = new Node()
let current = head
let copiedCurrent = copied
const newNode = new Node(current.val)
map.set(current, newNode)
copiedCurrent.next = newNode
copiedCurrent = copiedCurrent.next
current = current.next
current = head
copiedCurrent = copied.next
copiedCurrent.random = map.get(current.random)
current = current.next
copiedCurrent = copiedCurrent.next
return copied.next
const ll1 = new Node(1)
ll1.random = ll1
ll1.next = new Node(2)
ll1.next.random = ll1
const ll2 = new Node(1)
ll2.random = ll2
ll2.next = new Node(2)
ll2.next.random = ll2
test('copy List With Random Pointer', () => {
Created 2020-04-08T22:01:01+00:00, updated 2020-04-08T22:40:46+00:00 · History · Edit