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052 Fermafactor

 * Ashish Patel
 * e:
 * w:

Fermat's factorization method is: If a · b = n (where a ≤ b), then there exist some c and d such that n = c^2 - d^2. 
Your goal is to return for given n such c and d as an array. Since we want c and d to be uniquely determined, in all test cases n is a semiprime number.


For n = 15, the output should be fermactor(n) = [4, 1]. 15 = 4^2 - 1^2.

function fermafactor(n) {
  for (let i = 1; i < n; i++) {
    for (let j = 1; j < n; j++) {
      const sum = Math.pow(i,2) - Math.pow(j,2)
      if(n === sum){
        return [i,j]

test('fermafactor', () => {

Created 2019-12-16T23:51:57+05:30 · Edit