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032 Compare Integers

 * Ashish Patel
 * e:
 * w:

Compare two integers given as strings.


For a = "12" and b = "13", the output should be compareIntegers(a, b) = "less";

For a = "875" and b = "799", the output should be compareIntegers(a, b) = "greater";

For a = "1000" and b = "1000", the output should be compareIntegers(a, b) = "equal". 

function compareIntegers(a,b) {
  return parseInt(a) > parseInt(b)? 'greater': parseInt(a) < parseInt(b)? 'less': 'equal'; 

test('compare Integers', () => {
  expect(compareIntegers('875', '799')).toEqual('greater')
  expect(compareIntegers('12', '13')).toEqual('less')
  expect(compareIntegers('1000', '`1000`')).toEqual('equal')

Created 2019-12-11T02:47:21+05:30 · Edit